Muscle loss - Renew Wellness

Muscle Loss: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink or degrade as a result of disuse, aging, malnutrition, disease, injury, or other factors. This can lead to decreased strength, mobility, and overall health. There are several key things to understand about muscle wasting:

The key takeaways are that muscle loss decreases vitality and independence, but can often be avoided or reversed with strength training, adequate protein intake, physical activity, and proper medical care when needed. Maintaining our muscle should be a lifelong priority. Don't wait until you have significant wasting to take preventive action!

If you are concerned about unexplained muscle loss, I recommend getting a checkup with your doctor and requesting referrals to a registered dietitian and physical therapist. Bloodwork and medical exams can uncover any underlying conditions contributing to wasting. A dietitian can analyze your nutritional intake and a physical therapist can design an exercise program tailored to your needs and abilities. Reach out to the experts at Renew Wellness for a consultation on whether hormone therapy could help optimize your muscle health. With the right medical team, most causes of muscle wasting can be identified and reversed before major disability occurs. You deserve to keep your strength, mobility and independence. Take action at the first sign of unexplained muscle loss!

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